Why Avatars are the Next Big Thing for Digital Ownership Among Millennials and GenZ

7 min readMay 24, 2023

In the last few years, digital ownership has become a growing trend among Millennials and GenZ, who are looking for new ways to express themselves and connect with others in a digital world. As a result, avatars have emerged as a popular and exciting form of digital ownership, offering users a level of personalization and ownership that was once impossible in the digital world. Avatars are digital representations of ourselves that can be used in various digital environments, such as gaming, social media, and virtual reality, and they allow users to express their personalities and emotions, experiment with their appearance and style, and engage with others in a digital environment.

In this blog post, we will explore why avatars are becoming the next big thing in digital ownership among Millennials and GenZ. We will discuss why these virtual characters are popular among this demographic, how they are becoming integrated into our daily lives, and the potential for avatars to revolutionize the way we interact with digital assets and platforms. We will also examine examples in digital environments, their collectibility and value, and how marketers can engage with this trend to connect with consumers on a personal and emotional level.

So, if you’re interested in understanding the potential of avatars for digital ownership and engagement, keep reading!

Why Avatars are Popular Among Millennials and GenZ

Avatars are popular among Millennials and GenZ for a variety of reasons. Firstly, they offer a level of personalization and ownership that is important to these demographics. Millennials and GenZ are known for valuing individuality, creativity, and self-expression, and virtual characters allow them to express these values in a digital environment. Users can customize their character to reflect their personalities, interests, and identities, and this level of personalization is important in a world where digital content is ubiquitous and often feels impersonal.

Secondly, these digital icons offer a form of escapism and entertainment that is appealing to Millennials and GenZ. In a world that is increasingly complex and challenging, avatars allow users to escape into a digital environment where they can explore new worlds, meet new people, and engage in new experiences. This escapism is particularly important for younger demographics who are often facing challenges related to education, career, and social issues.

Thirdly, avatars offer a sense of community and belonging that is important to Millennials and GenZ. Such mascots can be used in various digital environments, such as gaming, social media, and virtual reality, and they allow users to connect with others who share similar interests and values. This sense of community is important in a world where social isolation is becoming more common, and where users are seeking ways to connect with others who share their passions and interests.

Thus, avatars offer a unique combination of personalization, escapism, and community that is particularly appealing to Millennials and GenZ. As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for them are endless, and it’s clear that they will continue to play an important role in the digital landscape for years to come.

Avatars as the Next Big Thing in Digital Ownership

Digital characters are quickly becoming the next big thing in digital ownership because they offer a new way for users to interact with digital assets and platforms. In the past, digital ownership has been limited to static assets such as photos or videos that are owned and controlled by third-party platforms. Avatars, on the other hand, are dynamic and interactive assets that are owned and controlled by users themselves.

This level of ownership is important because it allows users to express their personalities and identities in a way that is unique and authentic. With these virtual personas, users have the freedom to experiment with their appearance, explore new digital environments, and engage with others in a way that feels personal and meaningful.

In addition to personalization, virtual characters also offer a new way for users to collect and trade digital assets. Collecting them has become a popular hobby among Millennials and GenZ, and there is a growing market for rare and unique icons. Some are even becoming valuable digital assets in their own right, with some selling for thousands of dollars in online marketplaces.

This potential for collectibility and value is significant, as it opens up new opportunities for brands and marketers to engage with consumers in a more meaningful way. Brands can create unique and collectible avatars that users will want to own and display, and these mascots can be used in various marketing strategies, from gaming campaigns to social media activations.

Furthermore, avatars have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital platforms and assets. As virtual reality and other immersive technologies become more prevalent, they will become even more important as a way for users to navigate these environments and engage with others in a more natural and intuitive way.

Hence, avatars are the next big thing in digital ownership because they offer a new level of personalization, collectibility, and value that is important to Millennials and GenZ. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for them to revolutionize the digital landscape is significant, and it’s clear that they will continue to play an important role in the digital world for years to come.

Examples of Avatars in Digital Environments

Avatars are being used in a variety of digital environments, from social media platforms to virtual reality experiences. Here are a few examples:

  1. Gaming: Avatars have long been a staple of the gaming world, allowing players to create and customize their own digital characters. In some games, such as World of Warcraft, these skins and characters have become a form of self-expression and social currency, with players often trading rare ones or using them to show off their accomplishments within the game.
  2. Social Media: Social media platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram have introduced avatar creation tools that allow users to create personalized versions of themselves. These avatars can be used in stories, chats, and other interactions on the platform, and are often used to express emotions or reactions in a more playful way than traditional emojis.
  3. Virtual Reality: With the rise of virtual reality (VR) technology, avatars are becoming an important way for users to interact with each other in immersive digital environments. In VR experiences such as Second Life or VRChat, users can create and customize their avatars to represent themselves in the virtual world, and can interact with others in real time.
  4. Marketing Campaigns: Brands are beginning to use avatars as a way to engage with consumers in a more personal and interactive way. For example, KFC recently launched a virtual dating game in which users create an avatar and go on a date with the KFC founder, Colonel Sanders. The game was a hit among younger demographics and allowed KFC to connect with consumers in a playful and entertaining way.
  5. Digital Art: Avatars are also becoming a popular form of digital art, with artists creating unique and collectible avatars that are sold in online marketplaces. These avatars can be used in a variety of digital environments, from social media platforms to gaming experiences, and are often highly sought after by collectors.

Therefore, these virtual characters are being used in a variety of digital environments, and their versatility and personalization make them a valuable asset for brands and users alike. As technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for avatars are endless, and it’s clear that they will continue to play an important role in the digital landscape for years to come.

Collectibility and Value of Avatars

The collectibility and value of avatars are important factors that contribute to their popularity among Millennials and GenZ. They offer a new way for users to express themselves and stand out in digital environments, and rare or unique ones can become valuable digital assets in their own right.

In some cases, rare avatars have sold for thousands of dollars in online marketplaces. For example, a rare digital Pudgy Penguin avatar recently sold for $3.6 million at a Christie’s auction, highlighting the growing market for digital collectibles. Similarly, popular avatar platform CryptoPunks has seen some of its rarest ones sell for millions of dollars.

The potential for these virtual icons to become valuable digital assets is significant, as it offers a new way for brands and marketers to engage with consumers. Brands can create unique and collectible avatars that users will want to own and display, and these can be used in various marketing strategies, from gaming campaigns to social media activations.

Furthermore, the collectibility and value of avatars can also create a sense of community and social currency among users. Rare or unique characters can be a status symbol within digital communities, and the ability to collect and trade them can create a sense of camaraderie among users.

Overall, the collectibility and value of avatars is an important factor that contributes to their popularity among Millennials and GenZ. As the market for digital collectibles continues to grow, the potential for them to become valuable digital assets is significant, and it’s clear that they will continue to play an important role in the digital world for years to come.


In conclusion, avatars are becoming increasingly popular among Millennials and GenZ, who are using them to express their personalities, experiment with their appearance, and connect with others in a digital environment. These mascots offer a level of personalization and ownership that is not possible with other digital assets, and they have the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with digital environments and objects. As avatars become more integrated into our daily lives, they will become an important part of our digital ownership and collectibles. The digital personas are a reflection of our identities and personalities in a digital world, and as technology continues to evolve, the possibilities for avatars are endless.

So, if you’re a marketer looking to engage with Millennials and GenZ, it’s time to consider the potential of avatars. They offer a unique opportunity to connect with consumers on a personal and emotional level, and they can be used in various marketing strategies, from gaming campaigns to social media activations.

In summary, avatars are the next big thing for digital ownership among Millennials and GenZ, and their potential for personalization, engagement, and collectibility is significant. As a marketer, it’s important to understand the value of avatars in engaging with your audience and building long-lasting relationships in a digital world. So, start exploring the possibilities of avatars today and see where they can take your brand in the future!

